Time: Sunday, July 12, 2020 – 1:30 – 4:30 pm EDT (3 hours)

The workshop is going to be an experiential deep dive into the full empowerment of the Hamsa mantra as taught by Lord Shiva (Bhairava) in the five-thousand-year-old Shaiva scripture, the Vijnanabhairava. The workshop and meditations will be based on the commentary of the great Shaivite Siddha, Abhinavagupta.

The workshop is going to be an initiatory experience, Shaktipat will be transmitted and all will receive the Grace. We will have three meditations of twenty minutes each, preceded by detailed transmission of the technique as practiced in the Shaiva Siddha tradition. There will be plenty of time for questions to insure full comprehension of the teachings.

This is an advanced workshop but is open and welcome to all. If you feel drawn, it is your time. Don’t negate your inner voice, it is the only thing that is true.

A link to our Zoom platform will be emailed to you on the Friday before.